Putting it back together (Part 2)

Last night we sealed up the camera and put it back on the optics cryostat. I took an absurd amount of video to show you what this involved… anyone who actually watches all of these should email me for a prize:

Video: Mating the cryostats (part 0)
Video: Mating the cryostats (part 1)
Video: Mating the cryostats (part 2)
Video: Mating the cryostats (part 3)
Video: Mating the cryostats (part 4)
Video: Mating the cryostats (part 5)
Video: Mating the cryostats (part 6)

We also started pumping the air out of the cryostats, which will continue for the next day or so… then we get to start cooling the camera and secondary mirror down to cryogenic temperatures so we can test them. That pumping and cooling process will probably take 4-5 days, during which we’ll get electronics set up and do some telescope maintenance.