South Pole Station

I sleep and eat in the new South Pole Station, which was completed just a few years ago. Inside it’s nice and warm. The station is two stories. My room is on the second story, as is the galley. Here’s a picture of the big main hallway on the second floor

And here are a few photos of the galley:

The food is pretty good, though high calorie and high on red meat. The thing I miss most so far: soy milk.

I live in a pretty nice room. It has a bed that is raised high off the floor so I can store stuff underneath it, and a desk where I’m typing this now, and a couple dressers and a closet for clothes storage. It’s probably about 8feet by 10 feet… I think it’s one of the bigger rooms here. It’s certainly nice, though it’s a little chilly – it was 60F, but I turned the heat all the way up and now it’s 64F. 🙂