- Kenneth Singer, Michael Hinczewski, Ina Martin, Elizabeth Bolman, Michael McMaster, and Lauryn Smith, “Data Science in Art: Discerning the Painter’s Hand” Case Western Reserve University Data Science Colloquium, March 26, 2020
- Kenneth Singer and Irina Shiyanovskaya, “Co-Extruded Multilayer Optical Data Storage Media,” Photonics West, San Francisco, February 2020
- Kenneth Singer and Irina Shiyanovskaya, “Co-Extruded Multilayer Optical Data Storage Media: Toward Terabyte Scale Discs,” SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, August 2019
- Kenneth Singer, “Liquid-crystal infused bacteria cellulose mats,” SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, August 2019
- Kenneth Singer, “Linear and nonlinear optical properties of organic cavity polaritons,” Novel Optical Materials and Applications Conference, Cetraro, IT 2-8 June 2019
- Kenneth Singer, “Light-Matter Coupling in Molecular Materials,” Case Western Reserve University, Department of Physics, Colloquium, February 14, 2019
- Kenneth Singer, “Lighting the World of Big Data,” Origins Senior Scholars Lecture, Case Western Reserve University, November 13, 2018
- Kenneth Singer, “Multilayer polymer films for high capacity optical data storage,” International Workshop on Photonics Polymer Innovation (IWPPI 2018), Suwa, Japan, October 15-18, 2018.
- Kenneth Singer, “Bio-based materials for optoelectronic applications,” Bio-Environmental Polymer Society, Troy, NY August 15-17, 2018.
- Kenneth Singer, “Linear and nonlinear optical properties of organic cavity polaritons in the ultrastrong regime: wavelength agile nonlinear optics,” Fundamental of Nonlinear Optics 2018, Saratoga Springs, NY, June 19-21, 2018.
- Kenneth Singer, “Linear and nonlinear optical properties of organic cavity polaritons in the ultrastrong regime,” Materials Research Society, Phoenix, AZ, April 5, 2018.
- Kenneth Singer, “Nano-optics at Case Western Reserve University,” University of Arizona, Winter School and Workshop in Optics, Tucson, AZ, January 6-7, 2018.
- Kenneth Singer, “Bio-based materials for optoelectronics,” American Chemical Society Annual Meeting, August 24, 2017.
- Kenneth Singer, “Bio-based materials for optoelectronics,” Novel Optical Materials and Applications, Cetraro, Italy, June 2017.
- Kenneth Singer, “Linear and nonlinear optical properties of organic cavity polaritons in the ultrastrong regime,” Fundamental of Nonlinear Optics 2017, Nassau, Bahamas, May 23-25, 2017.
- Kenneth Singer, “Nonlinear optics in organic cavity polaritons,” SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, February 1, 2017.
- Kenneth Singer, “Multilayer polymer films for high capacity optical data storage,” International Workshop on Photonics Polymer for Innovation, 11-14 Oct 2016, Tochigi, Japan.
- Nathan Dawson, Kenneth Singer, Michael McMaster, Kyle Peters, Richard Gross, Fei Liu, Anthony Maiorana, Mohammad Ibrahim, Stephen Spinella, and Shekar Mekala, “Bio-based materials for optoelectronics,” 32nd International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society-July 25-29, Lyon, France (2016).
- Cory Christenson and Kenneth D. Singer, “Multilayer optical data storage by photobleaching of organic fluorophores,” SPIE Optics and Photonics, Symposium on Optical Data Storage, August 9, San Diego (2015).
- Kenneth Singer, “Introduction to Cavity Polaritons,” Workshop on Foundations of Nonlinear Optics, Lehigh University, August 4-5, 2015
- Kenneth Singer, “Cavity Effects in Organic Molecular Materials,” Workshop on Foundations of Nonlinear Optics, Lehigh University, August 4-5, 2015.
- Nathan J. Dawson, Kyle C. Peters, Stephen Spinella, Anthony Maiorana, Richard A. Gross, Kenneth D. Singer, “Optical properties of cellulose nanocrystals decorated with silver nanospheres,” Proc. SPIE 9564, Light Manipulating Organic Materials and Devices II, 956406 (September 5, 2015); doi:10.1117/12.218731
- Nathan J. Dawson; Michael S. Patrick; Kyle Peters; Sanjoy Paul; Brett Ellman; Rachael Matthews; Emily Pentzer; Robert J. Twieg; Kenneth D. Singer, “Effects of degradation on the performance of a triphenylene based liquid crystal organic semiconductor,” Proc. SPIE 9616, Nanophotonics and Macrophotonics for Space Environments IX, 96160B (September 1, 2015); doi:10.1117/12.2187528
- Kenneth Singer, “Materials and architectures for cavity tuned absorption in organic photovoltaics,” 1st PIRE Workshop on Biobased Polymers and Materials, Houffalize, Belgium, May 20, 2015
- Kenneth Singer, “Photonic Multilayered Polymer Films: From “Origami Lasers” to Optical Data Storage to Photovoltaics, Catholic University Belgium, May 21, 2015.
- Kenneth Singer, “Nonlinear Photobleaching of Organic Fluorophores for Multilayer Optical Data Storage,” Novel Optical Materials and Applications, NOMA 2015, Cetraro, Italy, June 8, 2015
- Kenneth Singer, Nonlinear Photobleaching of Organic Fluorophores for Multilayer Optical Data Storage,” Organic Photonic Materials and Devices XVI, Photonics West, San Jose, February 2015
- Kenneth Singer, “Photonic Multilayered Polymer Films: From “Origami” Lasers to High Density Data Storage,” École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Paris, May 26, 2014.
- Kenneth Singer, “Spectral Aspects of Cavity Tuned Absorption in Organic Photovoltaic Films,” Symposium on Advances in Organic Photovoltaics Kent State University, April 16, 2014.
- K.D. Singer, “Nonlinear Photobleaching of Organic Fluorophores for Multilayer Optical Data Storage,” International Workshop on Nano and Bio-Photonics (IWNBP), Biarritz, France, November 3-8, 2013.
- Cory Christenson, Brent Valle, Anuj Saini, Christopher Ryan, Joseph Lott, Christoph Weder, Eric Baer, Jie Shan and Kenneth Singer, “Multilayer Optical Data Storage by Photobleaching of Organic Fluorophores,” SPIE, San Diego, CA August 25-29, 2013.
- Nathan J. Dawson, Michael Aviles, James H. Andrews, Michael Crescimanno, Joshua B. Petrus, Anthony Mazzocco, Kenneth D. Singer, Eric Baer, Hyunmin Song, “Thermospectral properties of photonic crystal microcavity lasers and applications to systems with local temperature variations,” SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, August 26-29, 2013.
- Kenneth D. Singer, “Photonic Multilayered Polymer Films: From Origami Lasers to Optical Data Storage to Photovoltaics,” Youngstown State University, March 29, 2013.
- K.D. Singer, “Spectral aspects of optical cavity coupling in polymer photovoltaics,” Conference: Novel Optical Materials and Applications (NOMA), Cetraro, Italy June 2013.
- K.D. Singer, “Photonic Multilayered Polymer Films: From Origami Lasers to Optical Data Storage to Photovoltaics,” University of Washington, Oct 22, 2012.
- K.D. Singer, “Photonic Multilayered Polymer Films: Optical Data Storage and Disorder and Defects in Polymer Lasers,” Third International Workshop on Advanced, Nano- and Biomaterials and Their Applications; Timisoara, Romania Sept 19-23, 2012.
- K.D. Singer, KEYNOTE: “Multilayer Polymer Photonics: Origami Lasers, Optical Data Storage and Beyond,” SPIE, Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, August 2012.
- K.D. Singer, “Multilayer Polymer Photonics: From “Origami” Lasers to Optical Data Storage to Cavity Polaritons,” Colloquium, CWRU Physics; March 22, 2012.
- K.D. Singer, “Photonic Multilayered Polymer Films: From “Origami” Lasers to High Density Data Storage,” International Workshop on Nano and Bio-Photonics (IWNBP), St Germain au Mont d’Or, France, October 23-28, 2011.
- K.D. Singer, “Multilayer Polymer Photonics,” American Chemical Society, Symposium in Memory of Prof. Anne Hiltner, Denver, CO, August 31, 2011.
- K.D. Singer, “Photonic Multilayer Polymer Films,” Conference: Novel Optical Materials and Applications, Cetraro, Italy June 2011.
- K.D. Singer, “The Economics and Physics of Photovoltaics: Toward Next Generation Materials,” Great Lakes Energy Institute Lunch Seminar, April 8, 2011.
- K.D. Singer, “Molecular Optoelectronics,” John Carroll University, April 7, 2011.
- K.D. Singer, “Multilayer Polymers for Active Photonic Devices,” SPIE, Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, August 2010.
- K.D. Singer, “Multilayer Polymer Photonics,” Laboratory for Physical Sciences, National Security Agency/U. Maryland, May 10, 2010.
- K.D. Singer, “Molecular Optoelectronics,” Oregon State University, Department of Physics, April 10, 2010.
- K.D. Singer, “Molecular Optoelectronics,” Case Western Reserve University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, February 2010.
- K.D. Singer, “Polymer Multilayer Photonics, International Conference on Organic Nonlinear Optics, Beijing, China September, 2009.
- K.D. Singer, “Multilayer Polymer Films for Photonic Applications,” Keynote Address, SPIE Optics+Photonics, San Diego, CA August, 2009.
- K.D. Singer, “Multilayer Polymer Lasers,” International Symposium on Materials and Devices for Nonlinear Optics (ISOPL’5), Ile de Porquerolles, France July 1, 2009.
- K.D. Singer, “Multilayer Polymer Films for Photonic Applications: All-Polymer Lasers,” Central Region ACS Meeting, Cleveland, OH May 20, 2009.
- K.D. Singer, “Nanotechnology in the Next Generation Photovoltaics,” Ohio Innovation Summit, Dayton, OH April 21, 2009.
- K.D. Singer, “Roll-to-Roll Manufacture of Active Photonic Crystals,” SPIE Photonics West, San Jose, CA, January 26, 2009
- K.D. Singer, “The Great Lakes Institute for Energy Innovation,” US-China Solar and Photovoltaic Forum, Shanghai, China, December 9, 2008.
- K. D. Singer, “Melt-Processed Multilayer Polymer Films for Surface-Emitting Lasers” SPIE Europe, Security and Defense, Cardiff, UK September 13-18, 2008.
- Kenneth D. Singer, Eric Baer, Anne Hiltner, Christoph Weder, Tomasz Kazmierczak, Joseph Lott, Lewis Sharpnack, Hyunmin Song, Yeheng Wu, James Andrews, “All polymer surface emitting lasers,” American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA, August 17-21, 2008.
- K.D. Singer, T. Kazmierczak, J.R. Lott, H. Song, Y. Wu, E. Baer, A. Hiltner, C. Weder, “Surface-Emitting All-Polymer Lasers,” ERPOS 08, Piechowice, Poland, July, 2008.
- Volodimyr Duzhko, Kenneth D. Singer, “Self-organizing organic nano-architectures for optoelectronic devices,” 10th International Conference on Organic Nonlinear Optics, Santa Fe, NM May 18-23-, 2008.
- Kenneth D. Singer, Eric Baer, Anne Hiltner, Christoph Weder, Tomasz Kazmierczak, Joseph Lott, Lewis Sharpnack, Hyunmin Song, Yeheng Wu, James Andrews, “Multilayer Polymer Films for Surface-Emitting Lasers,” Polym. Mat. Sci. Eng. Prepr. 2008, 98, 339-340. American Chemical Society in Honor of Prof. Anne Hiltner, New Orleans, LA, April 8, 2008.
- Kenneth D. Singer, “Surface-Emitting Distributed Feedback Lasing Based on Multilayer Polymer Films,” OSA Annual Meeting, Frontiers in Optics, San Jose, CA, September 16-20, 2007.
- Kenneth D. Singer, “Liquid Crystalline Semiconducting Materials and Nanostructures,” SPIE Optics+Photonics, San Diego, August 26, 2007.
- Kenneth D. Singer, “Liquid Crystalline Semiconducting Materials and Nanostructures,” New Horizons in Liquid Crystal Science and Applications, Kiev, Ukraine, June 24-27, 2007.
- Kenneth D. Singer, “Two Stories on Organic Nonlinear Optics: (1) Optical Control of a Nematic Liquid Crystal Twist Cell (2) An All-Plastic Laser”, Naval Research Laboratory, March 12, 2007.
- Kenneth D. Singer, “Nonlinear Optics in Multilayer Polymer Films,” Case Western Reserve University, Condensed Matter Seminar, November, 2006.
- Kenneth D. Singer, “Photorefraction in Polymers and Liquid Crystals,” Fisk/Vanderbilt Universities Joint Seminar, November 6, 2006.
- Kenneth D. Singer and Haowen Li, “Nonlinear Optical Studies of Potentiometric Dyes,” International Conference on Organic Nonlinear Optics, Brugge, Belgium, September 26, 2006.
- Kenneth D. Singer, “All-Optical Switching in a Nematic Liquid Crystal Twist Cell,” Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications, American Chemical Society, September 13, 2006.
- Kenneth D. Singer, “Nanotechnology at Case Western Reserve University,” Nano-Network, September 20, 2006.
- Kenneth D. Singer, “Liquid Crystals for Optoelectronics,” Photonics West, San Jose, CA, January, 2006.
- Kenneth D. Singer, “Liquid Crystals for Optoelectronics,” Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent, OH, November, 2005
- Kenneth D. Singer, “Surface-Mediated Nonlinear Optical Effects in Nematic Liquid Crystals,” Liquid Crystals in Optics and Photonics, Kent, OH, October, 2005
- Kenneth D. Singer, “Liquid Crystals for Optoelectronics,” ERPOS 05, Corsica, July 2005.
- K.D. Singer, “Carrier Transport in Self-Organizing Semiconductors,” Bowling Green State University, March 30, 2005.
- Kenneth D. Singer, Jessica M. Merlin, Mark Winkler, Platon Korneychuk, and Yuri Reznikov, “Electronic/Nonlinear Optical Effects in Liquid Crystals: Optical Switching in Nematic Twist Cells,” Nonlinear Optics/Quantum Optics, 34, 9-14 (2005). (International Conference on Nonlinear Optics, Sendai, Japan, March 2005.)
- K. D. Singer, M. Winkler, J. Merlin, P. Korneychuk, Y. Reznikov, Y. Zakrevskyy and J. Stumpe, “Surface-Induced All-Optical Nonlinear Optical Processes in Liquid Crystals: Mechanisms and Devices”, LEOS, 2004, November, 2004
- K.D. Singer, R.G. Petschek and R.J. Twieg, “Chiraxial nonlinear optical materials,” SPIE, Denver, August 2004.
- K. Singer, Department of Physics, Case Western Reserve University, “Electro-active Polymers and Liquid Crystals,” Morley Award Symposium, Cleveland, May, 2004.
- K.D. Singer, “Carrier Transport in Self-Organizing Molecular Semiconductors,” Wayne State University, March 3, 2004.
- K.D. Singer, R.G. Petschek, V. Ostroverkhov, R.J. Twieg, L. Sukhomlinova, “Nonpolar Electro-Optic Media,” ISOPL-3 Sedona, AZ, October, 2003.
- K.D. Singer, “Self-Organizing Semiconductor Materials,” SPIE International Workshop Nanotechnology of Polymeric Smart Materials, August, 2003.
- K.D. Singer, “Carrier Transport in Self-Organizing Molecular Semiconductors,” Cornell University, October 10, 2002.
- K.D. Singer, “Molecular Electronics in Self-Organizing Semiconducting Materials,” CWRU, September 12, 2002.
- K.D. Singer, “Molecular Semiconductors,” Kent State University, March 13, 2002.
- K.D. Singer, “Molecular Semiconductors,” Washington State University, February 22, 2002.
- K.D. Singer and O. Ostroverkhova, “Influence of composition on the photoconductive and photorefractive properties of PVK composites,” Proc. SPIE 4462, 163-177 (2001).
- K.D. Singer, V. Ostroverkhov, R.G. Petschek, and R.J. Twieg, “Second-order nonlinear optical mechanisms in axially aligned chiral media,” Proc. SPIE (2001).
- K.D. Singer, V. Ostroverkhov, O. Ostroverkhova, R.G. Petschek, L. Sukhomlinova, R.J. Twieg, S. Wang, and L.C. Chien, “Optimization of the nonlinear optical response in chiral media,” Proc. SPIE 4279, 25-36 (2001).
- K. D. Singer, V. Ostroverkhov, O. Ostroverkhova, R.G. Petschek, L. Sukhomlinova, R.J. Twieg, X.-Y. Wang, and L.C. Chien, “Molecular Considerations for Optimizing the Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Response in Chiral Media,” Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications, OSA-ACS, Washington, DC, August, 2000.
- K.D. Singer, V. Ostroverkhov, R.G. Petschek, O. Ostroverkhova, L. Sukhomlinova, R.J. Twieg, S. Wang, L.C. Chien, “Nonlinear Optics of Chiral and Multidimensional Molecules,” CMACS 2000, Covington, KY, May, 2000.
- Ostroverkhov, O. Ostroverkhova, R.G. Petschek, and K.D. Singer, L. Sukhomlinova, R.J. Twieg, X.-Y. Wang, and L.C. Chien, “Molecular Considerations for Optimizing the Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Response in Chiral Media,” ICONO’5, Davos, Switzerland, March, 2000.
- R.J. Twieg, S. Gu, M. He, F. You, A. Semyonov, L. Sukhomlinova, G.G. Malliaras, R. Fan, D. Culjkovic, W.E. Moerner, D. Wright, K.D. Singer, R.G. Petschek, V. Ostroverkhov, and O. Ostroverkhova, “Synthesis and Photonic Properties of Some Novel Heterocyclic Molecules,” ICONO’5, Davos, Switzerland, March, 2000.
- K.D. Singer, V. Ostroverkhov, O. Ostroverkhova, R.G. Petschek, L. Sukhomlinova, R.J. Twieg, S.-X. Wang and L.C. Chien, ” Quadrupolar molecular nonlinear optics”, OLC’99, Humacao, Puerto Rico, September 27-October 1, 1999.
- K.D. Singer, “Photorefractive Nonlinear Optics: Holograms, Optical Computers, and Polymers”, Bowling Green State University, December, 1998.
- K.D. Singer, J. Zhang, V. Percec, and B. De, “Novel Photorefractive Liquid Crystal Polymer Composites”, 8th Iketani Conference, Hokkaido, Japan, October, 1998.
- K.D. Singer, R.G. Petschek, S.F. Hubbard, O. Ostroverkhova, N. D’Sidocky, C. Hudson, L.C. Chien, P.A. Cahill, and C.C. Henderson, “Chiral Molecules for Second-Order Nonlinear Optics: Measurement and Exploitation”, SPIE, San Diego(1998).
- K.D. Singer and J.H. Andrews, “Contribution of Two-Photon States to the Third-Order Optical Nonlinearity in Squaraine Compounds”, Proc. SPIE 3473, 68 (1998).
- K.D. Singer, “Nonlinear Light Scattering from Chiral Molecules”, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Physics, February, 1998.
- K.D. Singer and R.D. Dureiko, “Modeling Relaxation Mechanisms in Nonlinear Optical Polymer Systems”, OSA/ACS Topical Meeting on Organic Thin Films for Photonics Applications, Long Beach, CA, October, 1997.
- K.D. Singer, T.C. Kowalczyk, H. Nguyen, A. Beuhler, and D. Wargowski, “Cross-Linked Polyimides for Integrated Optics”, Proc. SPIE CR68, 399 (1997).
- K.D. Singer, R.D. Dureiko, D.E. Schuele, “Chielectric Relaxation in Poled Electro-optic Polymer Films”, SPIE, San Diego (1997).
- K.D. Singer, T.C. Kowalczyk, H. Nguyen, A. Beuhler, and D. Wargowski, “Cross-Linked Polyimides for Integrated Optics”, Proc. SPIE 3006, 326 (1997).
- S.F. Hubbard and K.D. Singer, “Bulk and Molecular Scale Characterization of Organic Materials for Nonlinear Optics”, Materials Directorate, Wright Laboratories, Dayton, OH; Oct. 4, 1996.
- K.D. Singer, T.C. Kowalczyk, and P.A. Cahill, “Anomalous Dispersion Phase-Matching in Optical Parametric Devices”, Proc. SPIE 2527, 49 (1995).
- K.D. Singer, J.H. Andrews, J.D.V. Khaydarov, “Generation of Compressed Pulses in a Synchronously Pumped Optical Parametric Oscillator”, LASERS ’94, Quebec, 1994.
- K.D. Singer, “Polymeric Nonlinear Optical Materials”, OSA/ACS Symposium on Polymeric Thin Films for Photonic Applications, Washington, D.C., August 21-24, 1994.
- K.D. Singer, “Orientational Relaxation Phenomena in Electro-optic Polymers”, Gordon Research Conference on Dielectric Phenomena, Holderness School, NH July 31-August 5, 1994.
- K.D. Singer, T.C. Kowalczyk, T.Z. Kosc, A.J. Buehler, D.A. Wargowski, P.A. Cahill, C.H. Seager, M.G. Meinhardt, and S. Ermer, “Polymer Electro-optic Materials”, NAECON ’94, Dayton, May 23-27, 1994.
- K.D. Singer, R. Dureiko, J. Khaydarov, and R. Fuerst, “Relaxation in Poled Electro-optic Polymers”, 4th Iketani Conference, Hawaii, May 17-20, 1994.
- J.H. Andrews, J.D.V. Khaydarov, and K.D. Singer, “Third Harmonic Dispersion Studies of a Squarate Dye: Probing the 21Ag State”, ICONO’1, Val Thorens, France, January, 1994.
- K.D. Singer, R. Dureiko, J. Khaydarov, and R. Fuerst, “Relaxation Phenomena in Poled Electro-Optic Polymers”, Proc. Mat. Res. Soc. 328, 499 (1994).
- T.C. Kowalczyk, K.D. Singer and P.A. Cahill, “Anomalous Dispersion Enhanced Cerenkov Phase-Matching”, Proc. SPIE 2025, 332 (1993).
- P.A. Cahill, C.H. Seager, M.B. Meinhardt, A.J. Beuhler, T.C. Kowalczyk, T.Z. Kosc, and K.D. Singer, “Polyimide Based Electro-optic Materials”, Proc. SPIE 2025, 48 (1993).
- K.D. Singer, J.H. Andrews, and P.A. Cahill, “Nonlinear Optical Interactions in Polymer Waveguides”, Proc. SPIE 1853, 221 (1993).
- K.D. Singer, “Polymers as Nonlinear Optical Materials”, American Physical Society Short Course, March 1993, Seattle, WA.
- K.D. Singer “Orientation in Electro-Optic Polymers”, The Rank Prize Funds Mini-Symposium on Polymeric Materials for Electro-optic Applications, 1-10 December, 1992, Broadway, UK.
- K.D. Singer, “Polymeric Second Order Nonlinear Optical Materials”, American Chemical Society, August 1992.
- K.D. Singer, “Thermal Stability of Materials for Second-order Nonlinear Optics”, Washington State University, July, 1992.
- K.D. Singer, T.C. Kowalczyk, J.H. Andrews, and P.A. Cahill, “Molecular Polymeric Materials and Devices for Second Order Nonlinear Optics”, Materials Research Society, December, 1991.
- K.D. Singer and L.A. King, “Orientation and Decay in Poled Polymer Nonlinear Optical Materials”, Polymer Preprints 32, 98 (1991).American Chemical Society, August, 1991.
- P.A. Cahill, C.C. Henderson, T.C. Kowalczyk, and K.D. Singer, “Molecular to Material Design for Anomalous Dispersion Phase Matched Second Harmonic Generation”, Proc. SPIE 1560, 130 (1992).
- K.D. Singer, “Nonlinear Optics of Polymeric Materials”, Kent State University, Liquid Crystal Institute Seminar, April, 1991.
- K.D. Singer, “Polymers for Second-Order Nonlinear Optics”, American Ceramic Society, May, 1991.
- K.D. Singer, “Second-Order Nonlinear Optics in Polymers”, Colloquium, Swarthmore College, December, 1990.
- K.D. Singer and L.A. King, “Orientation Decay in Nonlinear Optical Poled Polymer Films”, Materials Research Society, Fall Meeting, November, 1990.
- K.D. Singer, “Second-Order Nonlinear Optics in Polymers”, Condensed Matter Seminar, Ohio State University, November, 1990.
- K.D. Singer and M.G. Kuzyk, “Design Considerations for Multi Component Molecular-Polymeric Nonlinear Optical Materials”, Organic Molecules for Nonlinear Optics and Photonics, J. Messier, et al., Eds. (Kluwer, 1991). NATO Advanced Research Workshop, August, 1990.
- K.D. Singer, “Polymers for Second-Order Nonlinear Optics”, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), May, 1990.
- K.D. Singer, “Nonlinear Optical Probes of Glassy Polymers”, U.S.A.-U.S.S.R. binational symposium on “The Physics of Optical Phenomena and Their Uses as Probes of Matter”, January, 1990.
- K.D. Singer, “Nonlinear Optics in Molecular-Polymeric Materials”, Michigan State University, Department of Physics, 1990.
- K.D. Singer, “Nonlinear Optics in Molecular-Polymeric Materials”, University of Illinois, Chicago, Department of Physics, 1990.
- K.D. Singer, “Nonlinear Optics in Molecular-Polymeric Materials”, Case Western Reserve University, Department of Physics, 1990.
- K.D. Singer, “Guest-Host Polymers for Nonlinear Optics”, Symposium on Electroresponsive Molecular and Polymeric Systems, Brookhaven National Laboratory, October, 1989.
- K.D. Singer, W.R. Holland, M.G. Kuzyk, J.L. Markham, G.L. Wolk, H.E. Katz, and M.L. Schilling, “Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Devices in Poled Polymers”, SPIE Symposium on Nonlinear Optical Properties of Organic Materials II, August, 1989.
- K.D. Singer, W.R. Holland, M.G. Kuzyk, J.L. Markham, G.L. Wolk, H.E. Katz, and M.L. Schilling, “Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Devices in Poled Polymers”, Sandia National Laboratories, August, 1989.
- K.D. Singer, “Poled Polymer Films for Nonlinear Optics”, Association for the Progress of New Chemistry, seminar on “Organic Photonic Materials–Nonlinear Optics”, Chiba, Japan, May, 1989.
- K.D. Singer, “Nonlinear Optics in Ordered Molecular Systems”, Northwestern University, Department of Physics, March, 1989.
- K.D. Singer, “Nonlinear Optics in Ordered Molecular Systems”, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Department of Physics, April, 1989.
- K.D. Singer, “Molecular Effects in Nonlinear Optics”, Gordon Research Conference on Electron Donor-Acceptor Interactions, August, 1988.
- K.D. Singer, “Optical Nonlinearities of Guest-Host Polymer Structures”, Topical Conference on Nonlinear Optical Properties of Materials of the Optical Society of America, August, 1988.
- K.D. Singer and M.G. Kuzyk, “Nonlinear Optics in Ordered Molecular Systems”, American Chemical Society Workshop on Organic and Polymeric Nonlinear Optical Materials, May, 1988.
- J.E. Sohn, K.D. Singer, M.G. Kuzyk, W.R. Holland, H.E. Katz, C.W. Dirk, M.L. Shilling and R.B. Comizzoli, “Orientationally Ordered Nonlinear Optical Polymer Films”, NATO Advanced Workshop on Nonlinear Optical Effects in Organic Polymers, France, 1988.
- J.E. Sohn, K.D. Singer, M.G. Kuzyk, W.R. Holland, H.E. Katz, C.W. Dirk, and M.L. Schilling, “Materials for Nonlinear Optics – Orientationally Ordered Polymer Films”, Soc. Plast. Eng. Tech. Pap. XXXIV, 429 (1988).
- M.G. Kuzyk, R.D. Small, J.E. Sohn, and K.D. Singer, “Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials”, 41st Pacific Coast Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, Symposium on Nonlinear Optical Materials 10/88, San Francisco, 1988.
- H.E. Katz, M.L. Schilling, R. Comizzoli, K.D. Singer, J.E. Sohn, and W.R. Holland, “Polymeric Materials With Enhanced Second-Order Nonlinearities”, 1st International Conference on Electrical, Optical and Acoustic Properties of Polymers, Plastics and Rubber Institute, London, September, 1988.
- K.D. Singer, J.E. Sohn, and M.G. Kuzyk, “Orientationally Ordered Electro-Optic Materials”, American Chemical Society Symposium on Electroactive Polymers, April, 1987.
- K.D. Singer, J.E. Sohn, and M.G. Kuzyk, “Orientationally Ordered Electro-Optic Materials”, Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona, April, 1987.
- J.D. LeGrange, M.G. Kuzyk, and K.D. Singer, “Effects of Order on Nonlinear Optical Processes in Organic Molecular Materials”, National Science Foundation Workshop on “The Molecular Engineering of Ultrathin Polymeric Films”, U.C. Davis, February, 1987.
- J.E. Sohn, K.D. Singer, and M.G. Kuzyk, “Application of Orientationally Ordered Polymer Films to Nonlinear Optics”, University of Connecticut, February, 1987.
- K.D. Singer, J.E. Sohn, S.J. Lalama, M.G. Kuzyk, and R.D. Small, “Electro-Optic Polymer Glasses”, Proc. SPIE 704, 240 (1986).
- K.D. Singer, J.E. Sohn, S.J. Lalama, M.G. Kuzyk, and R.D. Small, “Electro-Optic Polymer Glasses”, Stanford University, Dept. of Applied Physics, January 1986.
- K.D. Singer, J.E. Sohn, S.J. Lalama, M.G. Kuzyk, and R.D. Small, “Electro-Optic Polymer Glasses”, Pennsylvania State University, Dept. of Materials Science, February 1986.
- J.E. Sohn, K.D. Singer, S.J. Lalama, and M.G. Kuzyk, “Nonlinear Optical Polymer Films”, Univ. of Illinois, Polymer Program, 1986.
- R.D. Small, K.D. Singer, J.E. Sohn, M.G. Kuzyk, and S.J. Lalama, “Thin-film Processing of Polymers for Nonlinear Optics”, Proc. SPIE 682, 160 (1986).
- K.D. Singer, J.E. Sohn, S.J. Lalama, and M.G. Kuzyk, “Polymers for Integrated Optics”, 2nd SPSJ International Polymer Conference, Tokyo, August, 1986.
- K.D. Singer, J.E. Sohn, S.J. Lalama, and M.G. Kuzyk, “Polymers for Integrated Optics”, International Seminar on Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials, Tokyo, August, 1986.
- K.D. Singer, J.E. Sohn, S.J. Lalama, and M.G. Kuzyk, “Polymers for Integrated Optics”, ACS Symposium on Polymers for Electronic Applications, Anaheim, September 1986.
- K.D. Singer, S.J. Lalama, and J.E. Sohn, “Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials”, Proc. SPIE 578, 130 (1985).
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